This is a pic of the Cacti I have by my front door. In the post telling all about where I live (a few posts back) I said this was just to the right of my door but that wasn't right. This is just to the left of my door. The deck goes to the right. I need to repot the cacti in the middle as it's gotten "leggy" and I think it has also outgrown it's pot. There's also some ivy to the right and if you look carefully at the cacti on the left you'll see E.T. looking back at you. Do you see him?
We got up at 7:00 this morning and was across the river and in Jackson by 8:30 to do our shopping. I made all the lights on the way. It's next to impossible to make all the lights. You usually get at least one red light. We got our shopping done and were back home by 10:30 so we made good time. We'll need to go back again before the month is out to purchase the things we need that WalMart was out of though. I'd like to be able to just one month get everything on our list in one trip instead of two. I did manage to pick up some more yarn to finish my oldest granddaughter's summer scarf that I have almost complete. And I bought several balls of cotton yarn to knit a shopping bag, actually I think I have enough to make two shopping bags. And I picked up some other cotton yarn so I can knit some pot holders.
Came home tired from shopping. So was hubby but neither of us took a nap. I sat and knitted on my maroon shawl that I've been working on hot and heavy the past week. I'd rather enter this on in the fair exhibits but I won't have it finished in time so I'm going to stick with the green shawl I knit several months ago. I've progressed in my talent (knitting) and the one I'm working on now is better than the green one but hopefully it will be good enough. I'm also entering one of my baby afghans. The last one I finished. It just might win a ribbon. Oh I hope it does. I'm only submitted it because my friend Kathleen insisted I put it in for exhibit and here I am hoping it wins a ribbon. But it is a very nicely done afghan even if I say so myself. Kathleen and I will take our projects to the fair office Monday for judging. I'll let you know after the fair whether or not I get a ribbon. The fair isn't until the third weekend in May so it's a ways off.
Tomorrow morning is Communion Sunday which means that I'll have to get up early again. So far this week I've been up by 7:00 for five of the six days. I think I like it that way. I get so much more done in the course of a day when I don't sleep half of it away. Funny how that works, huh? Anyway, tomorrow will be a long morning for me by the time I set up everything for communion. I will plan on taking a nap tomorrow after I get home from church. I'll spend the afternoon knitting and playing on the computer with my granddaughter, hopefully.
I spent yesterday afternoon at Kathleen's house doing knitting things. She showed me how to do a felt ball and then I held the shank of yarn for her while she balled the yarn she bought to make something for her mom. It was beautiful yarn but is it ever skinny!!! Then we tackled this white baby blanket I have going by ripping out the rows I hadn't knitted right and worked on figuring out the pattern once again. I got the pattern from a book in the library and the pattern is written really, really difficult to understand. I'm about to toss that pattern in the trash if this doesn't work right this time. It's just that the pattern isn't clear. Kathleen has knitted enough in her lifetime to figure out the pattern when it's unclear. I haven't. But hopefully we've got it figured out by now. This is the third time we've had to figure out what they mean in their pattern.
We had a nice, soaking rain yesterday evening and then most of the night. Almost an inch. And we didn't have rain today until just as we were leaving the city to come home. I think it's supposed to rain more tonight. I like the rain, I always have. So far today we've just had off and on showers. Hopefully it won't be raining in the morning for church but I do think they said we'd have this weather pattern for a few days.
I didn't get my study in Proverbs done yesterday or today. I had compressed the study from a weekly study to a daily one so I'm still way ahead of things as far as that goes. I think I'm about half way in the study. Maybe I'll get back to it tomorrow. It's been a very valuable study for me. I answered a challenge last summer and read a chapter of Proverbs a day for a month (31 chaps) but didn't really get anything out of it. But I'm finding that there is a wealth of counsel there for daily living. First off it puts us in the fear of the Lord. Meaning that we are in awe of Him and are seeking His way to live our lives. I will try to find some gem to share with you from my study when I have a little more time. Right now I need to get some dinner before I faint. I'm really hungry which is explained by the fact that I've only had a couple slices of jicama all day long. So anyway, I'm going to close this post, satisfied because I could actually send a pic along with my blog. There will be more to come. I promise. Michael tried to send me another pic but it wouldn't come through to my computer for some reason. But hopefully I'll be able to send pics all the time now. As soon as Kayla shows me how to send more than just one pic at a time, I'll send several and may even toss one in of myself although I'll probably wait until the swelling in my throat has gone down. I don't know what's up with that. The left side of my throat is very sore to the touch but the right side is swollen like a tennis ball. Go figure that one out.
I hope you are having a great weekend and you'll have a wonderful week ahead. I really will get my act together on my blog. I'm just so thrilled that I can do pics now!!! Yea! Thank you, Lord. Stay in the shadow of our Creator and seek His will and stay in the Word. I firmly believe that we must be in the Word every day; every single day. Find the time. Even if it's only 5 mins, find the time to read something in the Scriptures. And pray. Pray without ceasing as Paul said. We have a great and merciful heavenly Father. Let's do all we can to adore and worship Him.
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