Monday, August 4, 2008


I got tagged ... AGAIN! Short on time and energy today so I'll just try and come up with six things about myself. I'll do this in place of my blog since I don't have the energy to do that today.

1. My hair is falling out in tufts from a scalp infection/condition. I was on antibiotics for 10 days and they helped with the infection but the condition is still there and I've lost about half my hair to the top and around the crown. I've had to give up on trying to hide my scalp. And of course the sores on my head look just awful and I can't hide them either! I know there are worse things in life but I'm having difficulty coming up with a list of things.

2. I love animals. I have 7 cats and a dog. Three of the cats are outside cats and four of them are inside cats. (My math checks out.)

3. I quit smoking about a year and a half ago and gained 25 pounds. I guess it was worth it, ha! Seriously, I love being a nonsmoker. But strangely I miss the cigarettes. That craving never goes away.

4. I'm a lousy housekeeper. I used to be so good at it. Then I got tired. Then I got lazy. And then I got behind. Once you get behind it's a lost cause.

5. I love to read and it is nothing unusual for me to read an entire book in a single day.

6. I love my Lord and don't know how I managed before coming to know Him. How did I make it through the day without Him? Sure can't do it now. Now He is my life!

Okay, that's it for me. I hope to blog tomorrow. Mondays are becoming tough days for me to blog on. Can't seem to get it together enough to blog. I'm really bummed about my hair today and I'm fearful that it won't grow back. Men can go bald and no one thinks anything about it. But there's just something special about a woman's hair. Oh well, I'm going to go put on more medicine and hope it helps. Will see the Doc again on Wednesday. Hope she has some good news for me. You could pray for me, if you will. I think it will take His intervention in the matter. Pray that God will give me the strength to realize that, as bad as it is, it could be worse. I could have had to go through chemo and lose it all. Of course, there's the chance that they may have to shave my head to treat this problem. Then what will I do? I have a baseball cap. I may end up wearing it! But for now I'll just stay out of public places as much as I can. I have the doctor appointment on Wednesday and then a Deacon's meeting Thursday evening. And other than those two things, I don't plan on going out at all. My hair is such a mess and my bathroom is wall to wall hair. I've saved some of it to take with my to show the doctor on Weds. I think it maybe significant that it's falling out in clumps and not just a few hairs at a time. It is safe for me to say that I have never experienced anything like this in my entire life. What will I do if it doesn't grow back in? Wigs? They will be nice and cool, won't they! And so attractive!!

The sky was a beautiful shade of blue this morning and Hogback was clearly visible. I'm reading a book now, written my William Christopher and his wife Barbara, written about their younger son who is autistic. (He played the priest in the TV version of M*A*S*H*.) It's a change in reading material for me but I've found the book really interesting. It's amazing what they all went through and I'm anxious to find out how well the program worked on their son, Ned. He had to learn to crawl all over again and crawl everywhere he went. Weird program but it's the only help they'd been offered that seemed to help Ned at all. Every seven minutes that had to put a small bag over Ned's face to increase the carbon dioxide content in his blood. Can you imagine having to do that every seven minutes during your child's day?? Their love for Ned is so evident. They worked tirelessly trying to help him. I'm to the point in the book where things are beginning to turn toward his favor. I don't know if the improvements are going to turn out to be anything lasting. But it's been a good read so far. I checked it out yesterday at church. Also checked out a few other books that I may or may not read. I check them out and then bring them home and read a little of each one to see if it's going to be interesting. I also checked out a work of fiction, which I don't normally read but I may give this one a good trial. I didn't have a lot of free time to spend looking over the books really well. I bring them home for that. It's not unusual for me to check out 5 or 6 books and take back 4 or 5 of them, unread, the next time I go back to church. It's the way I used to do my clothes shopping. Buy and take home the things that looked interesting and make up my mind once I get home and then take back the clothes that didn't impress me. It meant two trips to the store but I can't really try anything on when I'm shopping. Now I rarely buy anything so it's not a big deal to me any more. Guess this will be it for now. I really didn't have anything to write about in the first place. Something you've figured out on your own if you've read this far. Tomorrow will finish up my Wiersby study in Romans. Then I guess I'll get into my Phil. and Col. study. Take care...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing your random items! I really am sorry that you have to deal with your scalp condition. I'm going to keep praying!

Love you,