I will get more creative with my titles I promise. Blogging is new to me and I'm not used to thinking creatively. LOL. I was lying in bed last night trying to go to sleep and thinking about blogging of all things. And I'm still wondering if I have enough to say to be a successful blogger. I guess you'll be the judge of that for me. But I thought of Watchman Nee. Anyone familiar with him? He's an old Christian writer. I can't remember exactly when he was writing but it seems like it was back in the '20s. But I could be wrong. Anyway, he wrote that the characters used to translate Holy Spirit into Chinese are literally "Resident Boss." Isn't that great! Yeah, He's our Comforter and Teacher, but He's also our resident boss and we need to listen to Him and let Him take us through our day. I just thought I'd share that with you because I think it's so neat.
We had a really warm night last night. Our low was 71.8 degrees! That's hot for us! I think that's why I had trouble falling asleep. Our temperatures here during the day are usually just a few degrees higher than what Sacramento has but we usually cool down to a lower low than they have at night. We love the cool nights. I sleep so much better when it's cool. In fact the colder the better. We keep our bedroom window wide open year around. It gets pretty cold in there in the winter but I sleep better and better the colder it gets. I just shove those covers up around my neck and breathe all that wonderful fresh cold air. We also keep fans in our bedroom window that's right over my head. We can set them to exhaust (we use this when a skunk's in the neighborhood!) or to intake. And at night they're always on intake. It's still warm today even though we have overcast skies. And it's humid so we just have our swamp cooler set on air instead of adding more moisture to the air. I'd die if I lived somewhere where it got humid all the time. It just sucks the breath right out of me. I never cease to be thankful for where I live!
Let me tell you a little about myself. I done a lot of things in my life. The low point in my life was when I was sewing belt loops on Penney's levis. Talk about your sweat shops! I've also been a proofreader/editor at a textbook publishing house, a paramedic in Colorado, an EMT here in California, a newpaper reporter, a sherrif's 9-1-1 operator, and various other things. My favorite job was working on an ambulance. Oh, my gosh, it was so much fun! It was sad too, but the fun really outweighed any sadness. One Halloween we rode through the steets with out lights out, making howling noises over the PA system. Just dumb stuff. But it can be a lot of fun to do dumb things. We drove by a man urinating behind his car once in Colorado. I reached over and picked up the mic and said, "If that's all I had, I'd hide behind a car too!" Gary, my driver, couldn't believe I actually said that. But, hey, I couldn't believe I actually said it either. But you know I think we did all that clowning around because we had to because our work was really serious stuff. We handled everything from car wrecks, to electrocutions, to gunshot wounds, to overdoses, to hangings. You have to be very professional when you're handling stuff like that and play relieves the tension. I don't think I could have done that without the fun parts. We developed "gallow's humor" to get us through our job. I got beat up in the back of my ambulance once. That wasn't much fun. But it kind of comes with the territory, especially when you have people who have been drinking as that guy had been. But I have to say it was, by far, the most rewarding and fun job I've ever had.
Well, Tamara, my daughter-in-law, hasn't made it over yet. She got so busy yesterday that the day got away from her. So her email this morning said she'd be over about 11:00ish today but she called and my son's computer had crashed (which is like the end of the world to him) and they'd had a really bad morning. So now she'll be over this afternoon. I'm just so computer illiterate! I don't know how to do anything. Thank goodness I have someone willing to share her knowledge with me. Oh, and Ken's (my son) computer is back up now so I guess everything's okay over there. But it truly is like the end of the world when anything happens to his computer. It breaks my heart to see that. Nothing we have should be that important to us except for our family. Everything in this life is temporary and tenuous and we can enjoy it while we have it but we need to always be ready to let it go at the same time. I know what I'm saying is hard to take and difficult to do. But I've lost so much in my life I've had to learn the hard way to take things as they come and never get too attached to something I can put my hands on. It's the love of God and family that are the important things. In this life, family is everything. Or it should be.
I'm sorry if today has been boring. Looking back over what I've written it looks boring to me. I will do better (I think!) At least I will try to do better. My Bible verse for today was 2Tim. 2:15 about doing my best to present myself to God as one approved. Good advice. If I live my life in such a way that I'm always standing before God approved, I can't go wrong. And I can do that because Jesus Christ is approved and He is my life. Scripture says that, "it is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me." So if I allow Christ to live and love through me, I will always be approved before God. Does that make sense? I hope so because it's the truth. He is my life and therefore I am no longer condemned as a guilty sinner. That's why the gospel is such "Good News." God reconciled us to Himself through Christ. He did it all!
I just took a break and stepped outside for a few minutes. It is so beautiful here. From my deck I can look across town to Hogback Mountain on the other side and all the trees are green and full. A million shades of green! Housed peek out between the tree and the flag is flying at full mast today at the bank downtown. Our cloud cover is beginning to lift and beautiful blue sky is showing through. It's 90 degrees out on the deck and there's a nice breeze blowing from the north. I noticed my hummingbird feeder that hangs amidst the windchimes is getting low. They really go through that nectar fast but they are so much fun to watch feed. Once in awhile we'll have a greedy one who'll sit in the tree and chase off any other hummers he sees come near the feeder. Other times we can have 3 or 4 feeding at the same time. In Colorado I had 5 hummers feeding at one time while I was holding the feeder! The California hummers aren't quite that brave. They'll let me walk right up to within 2 feet of the feeder but they'd never feed while I held the feeder. They create quite a noise when there's 5 birds flying around your head.
Well, I have things that need to be done so I need to get off the computer. I can already see that blogging is going to need to be regulated. I can't spend all day blogging! I have other things to do. My responsibilities are God ordained and so I know I have to keep my house presentable and the laundry done, you know, those horrible jobs and chores that keep interrupting our lives? Have a terrific day and enjoy your life!
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1 comment:
WOW-working on an ambulance. I am really impressed. I could never work in the medical field. I'd be so afraid I'd mess up and really hurt or kill someone. Homeschooling is a little less risky. LOL. and a 9-1-1 operator? Talk about stress. You must be able to handle stress really well. Our neighbor starts with our local Sheriff's dept. in a couple weeks. He's so excited. He'll be a good one, too.
Keep on BLOGgin'!
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