Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Believer at Work

In no way is the believer's work simply a daily job. Anytime we utilize the gifts and talents God has given us, we are ~ regardless of where we're at or what we're doing ~ laboring for His kingdom. We might be doing something obviously scriptural, like teaching Sunday School or building houses for the poor. Or we may be using our abilities for a more subtle purpose, such as comforting a grieving friend. Whatever we are doing, God expects our efforts to be genuine and the work to be done well, with a joyful, thankful heart. Whatever we do, we need to do it with the right attitude.

A believer works with energy. As God's children we are divinely gifted so that we can serve the Lord by serving others. To neglect or refuse to use our talents or to be undisciplined in our duties is quite simply disobedience. Paul wrote that those who are lazy or slothful, being idle when there are thing to be done, deserve to be shamed (2Th 3:10-14).

A believer works with enthusiasm. Let us never forget that the Lord is doing exciting things through our puny human hands. Knowing that we are taking part in His kingdom work, whatever the task, should be enough to motivate us to make ourselves useful ~ and to do so with a joyful heart.

A believer works with excellence. The Lord has prepared us with just the right talent to accomplish the work He set out for us to do. For this reason alone, we cannot justify or tolerate shoddy or half-hearted work and efforts. Though we may at times fail in an endeavor, doing our very best will always please our heavenly Father.

Once in awhile we all get tired and don't feel like participating in God's work with exuberance. These feelings, however, don't negate our responsibility ~ we're here to serve the Lord. Decide right now to perform God's labors with enthusiasm, excellence, and energy for as long as He gives you strength.


Well, here it is Friday and another week is drawing to a close. And it seems like I didn't accomplish much. Sigh. I had meetings and doctor appts and plenty of chores (most of which I ignored). I finished the red scarf I was working Tuesday night and now I have a blue one to make but I found some yarn I bought in the late 80s which is such a beautiful color (that's probably why I still have it) and started on a project. It is the softest green I've ever seen. It's really like looking at a pale green sculpture through a block of ice and if my memory serves me correctly that was it's color name ~ Ice Green or something like that. Anyway I have a pattern for the most darling baby booties and I thought I would make those. The only thing is that I casted on (and I did it the correct way since Kathleen taught me how) the right number of stitches and knitted and purled the first couple rows and then I came to a "knit increase" and I just could not figure out how to do that to save my life. I have some other yarn on another need so I can practice without having to rip out my project. And I tried and tried and tried and I just couldn't get the hang of it so that project has been put on the back burner until Tuesday night when I can get some help from either Kathleen or Ani at the Knitting Group. The ice green yarn I have is just one small skein so I can't make anything big out of it so I thought maybe I could squeeze out two pairs of booties. I have two blogging friends who are expecting babies and I thought it would be neat to make booties for their babies. Of course one friend is due any day so I may not be able to give the booties to her as the baby may out grow them before I get them finished at the rate I'm going. It really shouldn't take me long once I get going on them. They will make absolutely precious booties with this pattern and the ice color. I will continue to practice on my practice swatch and maybe, just maybe, I will figure it out before Tuesday and can get busy with them. It can't be all that hard. I once knew how to do this because I knew how to do all the stitches back in the late 80s or very early 90s. But that was a long time ago. The basics, the knit and purl, are like riding a bike. Once you learn how to ride a bike, you've got that skill for life. I know how to cast on, knit, purl, and cast off. All the other fancy stitches I have completely forgotten how to do. So I'm frustrated today because I want to be knitting and I'm stuck on a stitch instead. Boo!

My son came over earlier to get a bag of newspapers they can use for packing and informed me that if this new job doesn't work out for some reason, he and Tamara have decided to move to Hawaii or San Diego. Both of which are a long way from me. I've been spoiled having them live so close to me for so many years. It breaks my heart to think of him moving away. I don't know what I will do without him. And it's not just that I'd be losing my computer tech, it's not being able to hug him. Go to church with him, etc., etc. I will be back to sitting alone up near the front of the sanctuary all by myself. I love my son and I'm not ashamed to admit it. We still care enough to hug every time we see each other. I just can't imagine what it would be like not living near him. But I do want him to be happy.

Me? I'm not happy today. I ended up getting up early and I poured myself a cup of coffee, sat down on the couch, and proceeded to cry over Mulder. I have never mourned an animal this long, this deeply. He was just such a terrific cat. And to just watch him slowly die was horrible. Anyway, first it was Mulder, and now it's that Ken and Tamara may move away. Add to that the fact that I can't figure out that stupid stitch and I'm just not having such a hot day today.

I mailed a letter to an old friend today. Our friendship didn't end well. It ended in a misunderstanding and a whole lot of anger. But she didn't know the truth about the entire episode and I just wanted to clear the air with her. We'll never be friends again I don't think but at least she now knows the whole truth instead of just half of it. That was 6 or 7 years ago so it's taken me a long time to clear the air. But it took me years just to figure out the misunderstanding.

This is going to be it today. Take care and I'll blog again in a few days. Bye...

1 comment:

God Chaser said...

A great post about the Believer's work-words of truth. glad you are back in action- I have miss you alos but life has been busy fo rme to. Be blessed